
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Unit Plan

UNIT TOPIC:  The Industrial Revolution

1. UNIT CONTEXT       

Subject/Content Area 10th Grade World History

Course Industrial Revolution

Grade Level 10th

Length of Unit: The Unit will last two weeks (9 days of instruction plus an end of the unit exam), class will be 55 min in length with the exception of Wednesday’s classes being 35 min.


Whole Class Information

·         Number of students in class 38 students (18 male, 20 female students); ages 15 to 16.
·         Demographic Information: Class contains Caucasians and Hispanics; there are two special needs students and 8 English Learners in my 6th period class. 
·         Developmental Needs: 6th period is more like a sheltered World class as they are in the remedial level of understanding. Staying on task and taking notes are some challenges that they struggle with as they are lacking motivation to learn history. Family live within the home seems to offer little support and the students response is a lack of effort in their grades. Students expressed they enjoy fun upbeat and differation modes of learning with collaboration with peers as they are a social bunch.  Time is needed to readdress classroom management as students are continually disrupting lectures and activities as they are easily distracted and feed off of the attention from their peers.

Individual Student Information and Differentiation Strategies

Provide the following information for 5 specific students
·         2 English Language Learners (Elena and an ELL of your choice)
·         2 Students with Special Education Needs  (Alex and student of your choice with IEP/504)
·         1 Student of your choice

1)     Address the following for each student:
·         What is the students’ name?  Sergio
o   What is the level of your English Learner? Level 3 (Intermediate)
·         Describe student
o    Education
§  10th grade
§  Placed in basic college prep mainstream classes
§  Failing both history and earth science
§  Doesn’t participate in any school programs
o    Family Background
o    2nd generation Hispanic
§  speaks Spanish at home
§  Mom works a Palomar Hospital as a janitor
§  Dad is a landscaper
·          little help from his parents as they both speak very little English
§  Younger brother (8 years old) and step sister (12 years old)
§  No family member went to college
o    Observations
§  Very shy and quiet individual
§  Tends to lack motivation
·         Turns in assignments in late and incomplete
§  Very respectful and students seem to like him
·         What are the student’s individual ed. goals? Reading, writing & subject levels?
o   Sergio doesn’t read unless it’s required for class. He has a limited vocabulary and hard time understanding words therefore his writing contains grammatical errors and inconsistency.
o   Sergio expressed that he wants to graduate high school and become a border patrol agent but he said that due to his past education performance he feels defeated and thinks that he is incapable of getting good grades.
·         Describe developmental needs (readiness, interest, & learning profile) for each student.
o   Sergio enjoys doing group work, fun and upbeat activities to keep his attention, and strongly dislikes taking notes the entire period as he doodles on his paper. Visual aids help Sergio put content into memory furthering his understanding.
·         What can you do to differentiate each student’s
o    Content (curriculum materials)- Shorten lectures by highlighting important information in red (focuses his attention on the main concept of the slide)
o    Process (student activities)- lesson on structuring a paragraph using music plus addition of working in class having teacher walk around and answer questions followed with a peer review limiting time being spent outside of the classroom
o    Product (assessment)- reading quizzes, end of the unit test, paragraph, summative of basic understanding review, participation
o    Affect (proactive management strategies - student activities, feedback strategies…)
o    Learning Environment (classroom space, seating, grouping …)- Sergio is located close to my desk allowing for constant watch, sits next to his friend to provide support as I don’t have a problem with Sergio ever talking in class, he is always paired up with a student who has received high marks in class to help guide him through the assignment whenever he is grouped up, sits in individual desk located on the side so he doesn’t feel as everyone is watching him
Based on their developmental needs (readiness, interests and learning profile)?
·         What progress monitoring assessment would you choose to obtain evidence of the student’s progress toward a learning goal/objective? Use a rationale for your assessment choice.
o    I use peer review and constant feedback with constructive criticism. I make a point to monitor Sergio prior to him turning in the work and I don’t mark red all over it to make him feel defeated but I write positive marks with constructive criticism at the bottom of the paper. In addition, I make sure to have the grade back within a week of him turning in the assignment.
·         What would be your next steps to facilitate this student’s learning? Consider the student’s facts - identity/demographics and developmental needs (readiness, interests, learning profile).
o    I would talk to other teachers to see if they are doing anything that has worked with Sergio in their class. Once something has really stuck and resonated with Sergio I would make sure that I can try to adapt my lesson around that theme to ensure his success can continue.
2)     Address the following for each student:
·         What is the students’ name?  Jayden
·         What category does the student qualify for special education services? ADHD
(13 IDEA categories or 504)
·         Describe student’s grade level, culture, language, SES, family, affect …
·         What are the student
o    Education:
§  10th grade
§  Placed in college prep classes and has mediocre grades as he hovers around a 2.2 GPA
§  Doesn’t participate in any after school programs
o    Family
§  Mother is a single parent and works in customer service
§  He is an only child
§  Grandparents watch Jayden while mom is at work
o    Observations
§  Very chatty, easily distracted, limited social skills, tends to have bad hygiene, talks more with the teachers than students and always has a story to tell
§  He mentioned that he wants to be a police officer when he grows up
o    individual ed. goals? Reading, writing & subject levels?
§  Mentions he wants to graduate high school and then go to the police academy
·         From the sounds of it wants to scrap by and get done with school as he said he has never been good in school and therefore he is lacking motivation.
§  His reading and writing are lacking as he doesn’t have a strong vocabulary. He reads too fast and then when asked a question on the reading he doesn’t retain any information. He tends to skip lines and misses the concept of what he read.
§  Writing doesn’t have flow and grammatical errors throughout the paper. Lacking complexity and paragraph structure as his writing jumps around making it hard for the reader.
·         Describe developmental needs (readiness, interest, & learning profile) for each student.
o   Jayden always tries to be the first one done and doesn’t follow directions really well but he continually expresses that he enjoys working alone. He doesn’t particularly like writing or reading but enjoys trying to be the first one done on whatever we seem to be working on.
o   Tries very hard in doing all the work whether if it’s done correctly or not.
o   Is active in asking questions in lecture, but particularly likes visual representations. He uses the visuals to help focus his learning and then always makes interpretations to his own life.
·         What can you do to differentiate each student’s
o    Content (curriculum materials)- Add more pictures in lecture, a fun quick video prior to lecture to keep it fun and engaging
o    Process (student activities)- reading quizzes, end of the unit test, paragraph, summative of basic understanding review, participation
o    Product (assessment)- lesson on structuring a paragraph using music plus addition of working in class having teacher walk around and answer questions followed with a peer review limiting time being spent outside of the classroom
o    Affect (proactive management strategies - student activities, feedback strategies…) rubrics and pacing guides along with both peer review and teacher review
o    Learning Environment (classroom space, seating, grouping …)
Based on their developmental needs (readiness, interests and learning profile)? Jayden sits in front of the class because he tends to gravitate more towards the myself than other students. In watching Jayden during interactive instruction he tends to be shyer and once we are done with a lesson he comes directly over to talk to Mr. Stampfl or myself.
§  I constantly walk around while students are doing work whether individually or collaborate to make sure that they are staying on task. Jayden in particular seems to enjoy putting the information into some sort of visual so I make a graphic organizer for him to follow as I write on the whiteboard.  
·         What progress monitoring assessment would you choose to obtain evidence of the student’s progress toward a learning goal/objective? Use a rationale for your assessment choice.
o    With grading Jayden’s work I check to make sure that its complete first and foremost as he always tries to get his work done before everyone else. I make sure that I not only write the directions but I also say the directions out loud in class!
o    Grading is always as fast as I can get it back to him and I try to make sure that I get it done within the week. Grading responses are always constructive criticism and I don’t try to write too much red ink on the paper as he already feels school is tough. Instead I focus on his strengths and then write a sentence or two on what he needs to do in order to improve for next time.
·         What would be your next steps to facilitate this student’s learning? Consider the student’s facts - identity/demographics and developmental needs (readiness, interests, learning profile).
o    I always try to make a point in letting him know that I recognize him when I see him in my class or even out on campus. I try whenever possible to bring in visual representations and allow graphic organizers and rubrics to help organize his thoughts.
o    I want to keep Jayden working on his reading and writing skills as he is constantly distracted by anything and everything. Try to work little baby steps with him and not throw it at him all at once therefore he won’t rush and try to do everything as quickly as possible and leaving it mostly incomplete.
3)     Address the following for each student:
·         What is the students’ name?  Elena
o   What is the level of your English Learner? Level 3 (Intermediate)
·         Describe student
o    Education
§  10th grade
§  Placed in basic college prep mainstream classes
§  Doesn’t participate in any school programs
o    Family Background
o    2nd generation Hispanic
§  Dad is a professor
§  Mother has her masters
o    Observations
§  Loves to read Spanish romance novels
§  Very well-liked by her peers
§  Works hard to get her assignments turned in on time
·         Has a hard time in speaking and writing as she flows back and forth between English and Spanish
·         What are the student’s individual ed. goals? Reading, writing & subject levels?
o   In the writing sample provided she mentions her family celebration. In the story there is a few grammatical errors and also contains both English as well as Spanish. She can write about personal experiences and does a great job in description.
o   Elena really enjoys reading her Spanish romance novels. She is very intelligent and tries really hard in school.
·         Describe developmental needs (readiness, interest, & learning profile) for each student.
o   The problem with Elena is that when doing group work she gets quiet because she feels uncomfortable in groups. She works better in small groups and individual work because she is already motivated and that way she can show us what she knows. 
·         What can you do to differentiate each student’s
o    Content (curriculum materials)- I can use a lot of visual representations and not just speak in front of the class as Elena would be lost. In addition, I would outline the notes for her that way she can focus on the material at hand.
o    Process (student activities)- lesson on structuring a paragraph using music plus addition of working in class having teacher walk around and answer questions followed with a peer review limiting time being spent outside of the classroom
o    Product (assessment)- reading quizzes, end of the unit test, paragraph, summative of basic understanding review, participation
o    Affect (proactive management strategies - student activities, feedback strategies…)
o    Learning Environment (classroom space, seating, grouping …)- Elena would be located in close proximity to my desk allowing for constant watch, sitting next to her friend to provide support. I would want her to be in the middle of the class as she is well liked by her peers and is motivated to succeed in the class.
o    Based on their developmental needs (readiness, interests and learning profile)? I would want to continually be checking in with Elena to work on her writing and reading skills as she progresses through her education. I wouldn’t want her to feel lost and therefore provide constant feedback to ensure she stays on the right path.
·         What progress monitoring assessment would you choose to obtain evidence of the student’s progress toward a learning goal/objective? Use a rationale for your assessment choice.
o    I use peer review and constant feedback with constructive criticism. I make a point to monitor Elena prior to her turning in the work and I don’t mark red all over it to make her feel defeated but I write positive marks with constructive criticism at the bottom of the paper. In addition, I make sure to have the grade back within a week of her turning in the assignment.
·         What would be your next steps to facilitate this student’s learning? Consider the student’s facts - identity/demographics and developmental needs (readiness, interests, learning profile).
o    I would talk to other teachers to see if they are doing anything that has worked with Elena in their class. Once something has really stuck and resonated with Elena I would make sure that I can try to adapt my lesson around that theme to ensure her success can continue.
4)     Address the following for each student:
·         What is the students’ name? Mayra
o   What is the level of your English Learner? Intermediate (Level 3)
·         Describe student
o    Education
§  10th grade
§  Placed in basic college prep mainstream classes
§  Failing history and english
§  Doesn’t participate in any school programs
o    Family Background
o    2nd generation Hispanic
§  speaks Spanish at home when grandparents come otherwise mostly Enlgish
§  Mom works as a house cleaner
§  Dad works at COX communications
·          Very little parental involvement in Mayra’s school 
§  Mayra is the 3rd oldest of 5
§  No family member went to college
o    Observations
§  Very outspoken, has an attitude if things don’t go her way
§  Tends to lack motivation
·         Turns in assignments in late and incomplete
§  Well-liked by her peers and tends to be the center of attention most of the time
·         What are the student’s individual ed. goals? Reading, writing & subject levels?
o   Mayra doesn’t read unless it’s required for class. She has a limited vocabulary and hard time understanding words therefore her writing contains grammatical errors and inconsistency. In addition, she takes a while for her to get started as she will stare at the paper.
o   Mayra doesn’t seemed to worried about her grades and expressed that she wants to go to beauty school once she graduates from high school. If she fails she fails is the attitude that she is taking. Furthermore, she has very little family support from her parents which further demoralizes her progress/attitude.
·         Describe developmental needs (readiness, interest, & learning profile) for each student.
o   Mayra LOVES doing group work because it allows her to be social and talk. She sees it as another way to be the center of attention and can do the bare minimum number of work because her partner will pick up the slack. Visual aids help Mayra put content into memory furthering his understanding anything but constant lecture.
·         What can you do to differentiate each student’s
o    Content (curriculum materials)- Shorten lectures by highlighting important information in red (focuses his attention on the main concept of the slide)
o    Process (student activities)- lesson on structuring a paragraph using music plus addition of working in class having teacher walk around and answer questions followed with a peer review limiting time being spent outside of the classroom
o    Product (assessment)- reading quizzes, end of the unit test, paragraph, summative of basic understanding review, participation
o    Affect (proactive management strategies - student activities, feedback strategies…) students will revise each other’s paragraphs as well as the teachers grade.
o    Learning Environment (classroom space, seating, grouping …)- Mayra sits in the front corner that way she I can keep a close eye on her and she isn’t surrounded by a lot of her peers in which she is going to talk constantly with. When grouped together I make sure that she isn’t working with her friends otherwise she’ll be more likely to talk. I usually have her work with a student who has high marks in the class but is kind of shy that way the side chatter will be to a minimum.
Based on their developmental needs (readiness, interests and learning profile)? I try to keep a fun positive class so Mayra will be determined to work hard and get her work turned in on time as well as to keep her motivated.
·         What progress monitoring assessment would you choose to obtain evidence of the student’s progress toward a learning goal/objective? Use a rationale for your assessment choice.
o    With Mayra I make sure that she is getting constant feedback as well as summative assessment. I don’t need everything to have a grade because I just want to see if she understands the work. That being said when I do grade her work I mention the positives and a few things that she needs to work on to improve for next time.
·         What would be your next steps to facilitate this student’s learning? Consider the student’s facts - identity/demographics and developmental needs (readiness, interests, learning profile).
o    I would have a parent teacher conference to see if there is anything else I can do to get Mayra more motivated. I want her to succeed in the class and it needs to start with her changing her mentality and attitude about school.
5)     Address the following for each student:
·         What is the students’ name?  Alex
·         Describe student
o    Education
§  10th grade
§  Placed in basic college prep mainstream classes
§  Reading and writing skills are low
o    Observations
§  Very shy and quiet individual who eats alone at lunch
§  Tends to lack motivation
·         Turns in assignments in late and incomplete
·         Has social anxiety and asthma
·         What are the student’s individual ed. goals? Reading, writing & subject levels?
o   Both his reading and writing skills are grade level seven. He has a low vocabulary and his writing has a lot of grammatical errors.
·         Describe developmental needs (readiness, interest, & learning profile) for each student.
o   Alex doesn’t enjoy school and doesn’t want to be there. He likes to work by himself and doesn’t enjoy the company of his peers.
·         What can you do to differentiate each student’s
o    Content (curriculum materials)- Shorten lectures by highlighting important information in red (focuses his attention on the main concept of the slide)
o    Process (student activities)- lesson on structuring a paragraph using music plus addition of working in class having teacher walk around and answer questions followed with a peer review limiting time being spent outside of the classroom
o    Product (assessment)- reading quizzes, end of the unit test, paragraph, summative of basic understanding review, participation
o    Affect (proactive management strategies - student activities, feedback strategies…)
o    Learning Environment (classroom space, seating, grouping …)- I would want Alex to sit relatively closely to my desk that way I can keep an eye on him. I wouldn’t want to sit him in the back row because he is going to not attempt to do the work and he is going to try and hide.
Based on their developmental needs (readiness, interests and learning profile)? He likes to work alone and likes to learn by hands on experience.
·         What progress monitoring assessment would you choose to obtain evidence of the student’s progress toward a learning goal/objective? Use a rationale for your assessment choice.
o    I use peer review and constant feedback with constructive criticism. I make a point to monitor Alex prior to him turning in the work and I don’t mark red all over it to make him feel defeated but I write positive marks with constructive criticism at the bottom of the paper. In addition, I make sure to have the grade back within a week of him turning in the assignment.
·         What would be your next steps to facilitate this student’s learning? Consider the student’s facts - identity/demographics and developmental needs (readiness, interests, learning profile).
o    I would talk to other teachers to see if they are doing anything that has worked with Alex in their class. Once something has really stuck and resonated with Alex I would make sure that I can try to adapt my lesson around that theme to ensure his success can continue.

2. Unit Rationale: Enduring Understandings & Essential Questions

What is important about unit? Why does unit matter? How does unit fit into the overall scheme of your course and your “big picture” goals for the students? This is an introduction to the Enduring Understanding and Essential Questions.appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. The unit is about the Industrial Revolution and the change of live in Great Britain from rural agriculture to machines and people flocking to cities. The Industrial Revolution is very important not only in the standards but also the benchmark as well, but the Industrial Revolution is the launching point for the world’s advancement of progress. During this time we see revolutions in communication, transportation and the usage of land, labor, and resources.

Enduring Understandings (EU)

What do you want students to be left with at the end of the unit? What do you want students to know and be able to do? Goal is to have students answer the following: Why does it (topic) work? Why does it matter? How will you apply new learning?  Write up EU using this format, “Students will understand THAT …”

This unit is crucial for the students to know the significance of the Industrial Revolution and its advancement of industrializing cities with the usage of inventions to transpire the progress through communication and transportation revolutions. Students will be able to understand the progress that is made during the Industrial Revolution and why it started in Great Britain through guided instruction, writing, and formal assessment of unit exam. The topic works as we will see the transition from rural agriculture to industrialization with focus of speeding up production and productivity.

Essential Questions

What questions will frame the teaching and learning, point students toward key issues and ideas, and suggest meaningful and provocative inquiry into the content?
·         First, why did the Industrial Revolution take place in Great Britain?
·         What factors contributed to the Industrial Revolution?
·         How did the world change after the Industrial Revolution?
·         What were the positives and negatives to the Industrial Revolution?
Write the question based on the Six Facets of Understanding
(See Wiggins & McTighe’s Understanding by Design for prompts):
·         Students will be able to create a paragraph on one of the reasons why the Industrial Revolution took place in Great Britain.

Reason for the Instructional Strategies & Student Activities


Content Standards

Choose 1-3 standards or frameworks that your unit will address.
Common Core Grade 10 Writing Standard #4-
·         Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are
Common Core Grade 10 Writing Standard #9-
·         Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.


ELD Standards

Choose 1-3 standards or frameworks that your unit will address.
ELD Standard Cluster 3 of Reading Comprehension for early advanced
·         Apply knowledge of language to achieve comprehension of informational materials, literary text, texts in content area.
ELD Standard Cluster 2 of Writing Strategies and Application for Early Advanced
·         Use appropriate language variations in genres in writings for language arts and other content areas.


·         Include: condition, verb, criteria, type, standard #
·         Using the standard/framework you chose, write an objective(s) that directly addresses your standard or framework. What skills and knowledge does the lesson/unit address?
·         Condition: Under what conditions will the students meet objective? –What will your provide ad what will the student do prior to performing the objective.
·         Verb: What will the student do?
·         Criteria: How will you evaluate the student performance?
·         Type: Identify if the objective(s) are cognitive, affective, psychomotor or language.
Use the Bloom’s Taxonomy of Objectives Graphic Organizers to assist you.
·         Standard: Cross-reference with the standards - Example: Objective, Type & Standard #


Have an assessment for every objective and standard in unit. Cross-reference the objective and standard for each assessment. Example: Assessment (Objective/Standard #)

Include the following information about each assessment:
·         Name of Assessment
·         Formality: formal or informal
·         Type: diagnostic, entry level, formative and summative
·         Purpose: assess skills, knowledge or concepts
·         Implementation Method: written (multiple choice, t/f, open ended essay, academic test preparation), verbal, performance …
·         Communication of Expectations: modeling, supports, samples … (Optional)
·         Evaluation Criteria: Provide one rubric for the unit.
·         Feedback Strategies
·         Student Self-Assessments: Provide one rubric for the unit.

Checklist for your overall assessment plan:
·         Are your assessments addressing all standards, objectives and goals? How are the assessments inherent to the learning goals/objectives? How many assessments do you have? One for each day? More than one for each objective?
This is a very important unit for sophomores therefore I really wanted to drill why the Industrial Revolution took place in Great Britain and the factors. There are four standards this unit addresses and all of them tie back into this standard. I would do this unit in 3 weeks and this would be the first third as it provides the foundation for the rest of the unit. I don’t provide much homework for this week as the following week is going to have the vocabulary as this weeks focus is strictly the factors of the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain.
·         What variety are you providing for the assessments? (formality, purpose, implementation method, communication of expectations, evaluation criteria, feedback strategies, self-assessment …)
For this week I have summative assessment on the readings as I have class conversation which will lead into my lesson for that day. I like to build off of lessons to create a bigger picture. The main thing for this week is the paragraph and getting my students to see the bigger objective of the factors of why the Industrial Revolution took place in Great Britain. I provide a rubric, peer review, and written feedback during this week. The formal assessment would be the paragraph for this week.
·         How will you know if your assessments are valid & reliable? Using multiple assessments to monitor student progress?
This week unfortunately you only see two lessons both guided instruction and then implementing the paragraph. The following week there is going to be their first reading quiz and vocabulary packet. My focus is strictly on giving them a foundation on which to build on in their paragraph as the Common Core is heading to more writing. Plus my class has shown that they have struggled with writing so therefore I need to take the additional time. If I assign the paragraph for homework they are going to be lost as they won’t be able to ask questions.
·         How are the student’s developmental needs (readiness levels, interests and learning profiles) integrated into the assessments? How many different multiple intelligences are incorporated in the unit assessments? How do students have choices in their assessments?
This is the first week that I have used Prezi and the students really enjoyed the video clips and method of implementing the instruction. They write down the red to focus their attention that way they can listen to the lecture and not worry about writing down every little word. As for the paragraph they can choose any topic (communication, transportation, land, labor or capital) and I have provided them with sample paragraphs, rubric, and graphic organizer along with a fun way to incorporate writing through music.
·         How are the criteria for the assessments communicated, modeled and supported?
The assessments are given orally, and written down for a visual. I model what I want them to do followed by the students working on the assessment. In doing so, I walk around and make sure that the students stay on task.
·         How will you guide students to self-assess as they complete their assignments? Have you provided an assessment rubric for the unit (1 minimum)? Will students use it for a formal self-assessment? When?
The students will have a rubric, peer review, graphic organizer, sample paragraphs along with feedback from the teacher. This is my way to interpret if they are learning the material and not wait until the end of the unit exam.
·         How will you have assessment data inform your instruction? Not just at the end of the unit but along the way?
Yes, I have the paragraph assignment, vocabulary sheets, and reading quizzes that build off of each other prior to the end of the unit assessment.
·         What levels of problems solving and critical thinking are implemented in the assessments?
The students are to write a well thought out paragraph using their notes to convey the information. They are to have a thesis statement, facts and commentary to back up their claim.

Provide the into, through and closure/beyond for the unit as well as the lesson designs for each day with all needed materials (ppts, graphic organizers, rubrics…).

Into: Label Into - First Day Objectives/Standards, Student Activities & Assessment         
            What is the purpose of the into activity of the unit?
Student Activity
·         Describe overview of “Into” lesson for the unit. Include in the following format:
·         Hook - How will you create a hook? How will you motivate and focus students?
The hook is the picture from the rural agriculture to the smoggy industrialized city and the question of how did we go from simplistic to complex machinery and rapid population growth.
·         What will you do to draw on previous experience, motivating students to want to learn what’s in this unit? How will you access prior knowledge? What activities will you use to tap into prior learning and knowledge and engage ALL students?
I am going to relate the unit back to their life. I am going to make the connection from the communication revolution of the telephone and relate it to what they use in their everyday life. I am going to be creating building steps in reaching my long term goal by working on one standard the entire week.
·         What are the steps to begin the activity?
I am going to state the objective as well as the goals for today.
·         How will you handle the room arrangement?
The students will sit in traditional rows and a seating chart.
·         How will you handle student grouping?
I place students with high marks working with students who are struggling that way they can teach the students thus both students will have an advantage of working together.
·         How will you handle transitions and misbehavior?
I make all transitions clear and precise as I want to avoid confusion. Students who misbehave are to go outside while I get the other students started and then I will redirect their attention to make it a positive learning experience for all.
·         What questions will you ask to prompt learning?
I am going to ask open ended questions that require thought and not simple answer to get the students engaging with the material.
·         Unit Preview - What will you preview of the whole unit?
I will have a quick overview of the entire unit and get the students focused by saying this is where we are heading but first we need to take it steps at a time.
·         How will you connect the different activities? Transitions?
I will have the activities build off of eachother and make sure that the transitions are clear and concise to avoid any possible confusion.

Through: Unit Calendar
·         Daily Objectives (condition, verb, & criteria)
·         Standards (Content & ELD)
·         Student Activities
·         Assessment (formality, purpose, implementation method, & criteria)

Closure/Beyond: Label Unit Closure and Unit Transition Activities
In addition to the calendar information Obj., Stand, Activity, Assess.) address the following:
·         Closure: How will you have students summarize and make meaning of their learning?
I will have the students build a picture by addressing the paragraph and the reading quizzes to refocus their attention on the unit.
·         Closure: What kind of “product” will students produce as a culminating demonstration of their learning?
The students will produce a five paragraph essay by units end.
·         Beyond: How will you structure opportunities for students to continue practice and transfer learning from this unit?
The students will be able work on a gate assignment which is implementing writing a five paragraph essay on just one factor of the Industrial Revoluiton.
·         Beyond: How will you prepare students for the next unit?
The students will be able to use this information in the next unit because it provides the information in chronological order and they will have a grasps of the time period.

Provide a week’s worth of lesson plans. Have the lesson plans match the schedule for the school you are assigned for clinical practice. For example, if your school follows a traditional schedule of 5 – 50 minute classes – you need to provide 5 lesson plans. Refer back to the rubric for the lesson design to make sure you meet all requirements for the lessons.


Identify all tangible resources you will need to teach unit: Reading Materials, Videos, Websites, Provide a copy of all the materials you will need for students:Graphic Organizers, PPTS, Rubrics …

8. REFLECTION           

·         In what ways have you differentiated instruction to meet the varying needs of your students including your high achievers?
o    I have reading quizzes, writing, lectures with implementation of videos, group work, end of the unit assessment through exam. 
·         What strengths and possible limitations do you see in your plan?
o    The writing is the focal point of the unit as I get them to have a well thought out paragraph which we will build on. It will allow the students to use a graphic organizer and be able to tell me what they know on the main topic of the unit.
·         What forms of data/evidence might you collect from this unit to measure its effectiveness - gauged by actual student learning?
o    I use a lot of summative assessment by checking in with my students. I do this because my class doesn’t like to do a lot of work as they are typically late or turn in work partially completed. When I do grade I try to motivate the students by highlighting the positive and focus on a few things to change, and not mark it up in red throughout the entire paper.
·         What have you learned about yourself, students, your unit plan topic, and/or planning in general as a result of designing this unit plan?
o    This unit plan has made me more aware of my students by getting to know what the best mode of giving the information. The students like to differentiate the material and in doing so they will have a vast ways to learn the material.
·         What do you know now that you didn’t know at the start of this unit or program?
o    I know that I need work a lot more on their writing skills. The students don’t have consistency and flow in their writing which further transpires as they can put their thoughts on paper in a clear and concise manner.

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