Sunday, October 21, 2012
Possible Difficulties with EL Students
El students are faced with much more difficulties than most students because they have a language barrier between them and the instruction. This language barrier makes it hard for El students to learn the material as they are constantly striving to learn not only the language but the material as well. It may be daunting for the student who then may become discouraged and decides to shut down. Not only does this pose a challange in the classroom but outside of the classroom as well. El students might get labeled as being "dumb" or "stupid" prompting them to be potential targets for bullying. This is a huge problem that they are getting faced with and it needs to be addressed. It's not that they are "dumb" they are just having a hard time in learning the material as they don't have the same tools as non el students. Their vocabulary and literacy skills is finite prompting a harder time in expressing their ideas on paper.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Blog Post #2 EDU 521
My lesson design and planning for each unit incorporates a lot of review and repetition as the teenage brain needs the constant review. Also I use a lot of memory tricks and review games in my teaching to reinforce the material as I know that many students believe that history is reviewing dates and memorization. I strongly believe that if the students are having fun and you present the information in a fun way they will be able to retain the information that will prepare them for when they take the test. I remember the videos in high school in which my teacher showed about how a bill becomes a law and to this day it still sticks. The most prominent form of memorization deals with emotions and feelings. I try to incorperate everything to them by relating the material to them so they can personalize it and make it there own. This will add to there connections prompting remembering the material. Teenagers are worried about their socialization skills and they don't want to be embarrased. The video mentioned that a parent would sing if the kids were doing something that they weren't supposed to do making them stop as they are a teenager. This works in my classroom because I have playful humor which will get the student back on task. I don't ever cross the line but it also makes me relatable to my students. Throughout the entire lesson my students are engaged. Whether its taking notes from an interactive PowerPoint or group projects; whatever the case maybe I always try to empahsize staying on task and putting their best foot forward to accomplish the learning goals. In doing so, the students respond well however some kids need the extra little boost to stay on task. When this is the case I pay more attention to them and set up guidelines of when they should be done.
Classroom Management Plan
Classroom Management Plan:
My main approaches of my teaching classroom management philosophies lean towards essentialism and perennialism. It is my belief that no one management strategy is the best approach in managing a classroom, but a combination of implanting from a wide range of strategies is needed to get best results from my students.
Preventative Approach:
1) The first method is removal of the student. If a student is being disruptive in class and I have tried multiple strategies that still seem not to be working I would implement this strategy as I don’t want to disrupt the other students from learning.
a. Example- A student refusal of listening to proper instructions multiple times throughout the class period and is belittling the teachers instructions. Instead of allowing the behavior to continue the teacher would need to assert their control and remove the situation before it continues to escalate. Then at a proper time address the situation with the student.
2) The teacher must clearly identify rules that are outlined with expectations that are outlined in the syllabus and addressed in class. The rationale behind formulating a specific set of rules is to let the students behaviors the students are expected to follow within the course and also set the tone for the upcoming year.
a. Example- The syllabus clearly states the teachers perspective on certain issues that include tardies, use of restrooms, electronics, ect that are and are not acceptable to the class policies.
3) Including students in the decision making process. If students are a part of the decision they are less likely to have management issues because they feel as they are a part of the process in making the decision which gives them a say in the matter.
a. Example- In my class I let the students decide on whether they want to start their homework or if I should start the next section if I had gotten everything accomplished for that day.
4) Another preventative approach is discipline with self control by Barbara Coloroso (1994) which is what we have all been taught since kindergarten which emphasized in being treated the way you would like to be treated. This method focuses on responsibility and compassionate students.
a. Example- This can be viewed as students are in charge of understanding and coming up with ways to stop the action from happening again.
5) Another preventative approach is inner discipline by Thomas Gordon (1989) which the teacher is trying to find common ground between themselves and the student. The teacher tries to minimize the problem before it gets worse for the student.
a. Example-The teacher tries to find a win win approach so that there are no losers. It makes the student feel more at ease.
Supportive Approach:
The supportive approach of teaching is the teachers attempt to help the student by allowing the student to have choices and speaking in a manner that doesn’t put down the individual. These options are developed with the goal in mind of keeping a sense of community within your classroom.
1) The first method of a supportive approach would be discipline with dignity by Curwin and Medler (1983). This approach gives power to the students by giving them an option or a choice that allows them to grow as students take ownership and responsibility. In addition to the responsibilities of the student the environment models a positive behavior however, students that aren’t behaving properly might make the other students frustrated.
a. Example- An example of this plan in action is when a student is acting out the teacher pulls the student aside and has a private conversation with the student. The students behavior if it continues to waver from excepted then will get more severe punishments which might include sitting outside for a duration of time.
2) When addressing misbehavior the teacher needs to be gentle and fair. By addressing the matter the teacher needs to retake control of the class and not allow the misbehavior to continue. A technique a teacher can use is use kind and gentle words to show some empathy to refocus the student.
a. Example- “Is there anything that I can help you with?” or “What seems to be the problem and how can I better assist you to help you through the course?”
3) Provide a warm and caring approach that is welcoming to all students that enter the classroom. A teacher must make every student feel welcome and at ease when they enter their door by creating a warm environment.
a. Example- I am a firm believer that teachers need to teach life and a huge philosophy of mine is to create heartwarming loving individuals. One way I try to meet this goal of mine is to read “Chicken Soup for the Soul” every Friday which is a collection of short stories that are inspiring and heartwarming.
4) Another supportive approach is by Khon Reading (2001) which allows the students to be involved in forming the curriculum. The students are in control and have the ability to give their input and the teacher relinquishes his or her power and guides the material.
a. Example- The students are given a particular topic that they must cover but they get to decide in the way about learning the material. The student is actively involved in the planning and making classroom rules in which they are going to abide by.
5) Jones, Nelson and Lott (1970 & 1993) suggested that students should monitor themselves thru non-verbal clues to redirect undesired behavior to create mutual respect for all students. The students share the power with the teacher and ultimately all students are responsible for their behavior.
a. Example- Students can have a non verbal judge to redirect student unwanted behaviors.
Corrective Approach:
As a beginning teacher, I feel like the corrective approach is the approach that I most often having trouble with implementing in my classroom. I need to assert my control and let the students know that I am a teacher without losing their respect otherwise I am going to have problems throughout the year. I have to be stern but fair.
1) Barbra Coloroso (1994) stated that teacher must have reasonable consequences for the actions of their students. By being reasonable the students will have more respect for the teacher because he isn’t the tyrant dictator in charge that anything says goes. However, if the teacher becomes on the level of the student and is rational through delivering consequences the students will more than likely follow instructions.
a. Example- If a student walks into class five minutes late, instead of giving the student an automatic detention but speak with the student after class why they were late and tell them that you will let it slide but next time there might be more consequences.
2) Another corrective approach by Lee and Canter (1976-1993) stresses a reward and punishment system. The system rewards or punishes the students accordingly to get the results that is desired by the teacher. Furthermore, the teacher retains power within the classroom and is the sole authoritative figure in the classroom.
a. Example- If a teacher is having a problem with a particular student the teacher may say, “I need you to stay after class” or make them write on the board, while rewarding students by allowing them to work with a partner or get a piece of candy if they answer a question.
3) Send the student outside. If the student is constantly being disruptive and the teacher cannot get through the lesson plan then the teacher should send the student outside until the student is ready to come back in. The student gets a direct message in and needs rapid adjustment.
4) Disciplinary actions which may include detention, phone call home, talk with assistant principal/principal. A corrected behavior needs to adjust the students behavior in an accordingly manner.
I believe the best system to run a successful classroom should be through a comfortable learning environment that is based off of fairness and respect. When students feel comfortable and a sense of belonging to a classroom they can focus on learning and be preoccupied with other worries. Students should be given responsibility and should take ownership in their class and make it their own otherwise they are going to lose interest and want to drop out.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
SIOP Lesson Plan
Chapter 3: The French Revolution Napoleonic Phase
10th Grade World History
3A. STUDENT INFORMATION: English Language Learners
1.) Readiness Level
Student is below basic readiness level three and haven’t passed the CHSEE.
2.) Learning Profile
Expressed that they learn best through kinesthetic instruction
3.) Interest
Visual presentations
3B. STUDENT INFORMATION: Students w/ Special Needs
1.) Readiness Level
Student has ADHD and has a hard time focusing in class.
2.) Learning Profile
Student likes to work in groups and best through kinesthetic instruction.
3.) Interest
Group presentations.
A. Enduring Understanding
Students will be able to understand the rise and fall of Napoleon and his ideals of Nationalism, Napoleonic Code and the fall @ the Battle of Waterloo until his exile in 1815.
B. Essential Questions
How did Napoleon rise to power and what was his political agenda once in power? What was Napoleon’s fall that led him to exile?
C. Reason for Instructional Strategies and Student Activities
Developing the critical understanding of social problems and the ending of the radical phase of the revolution with Napoleon stepping into power through guided instruction and cooperative learning allows students to support each other and socialize, building a better sense of classroom community.
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CA 10.2.5
Discuss how nationalism spread across Europe with Napoleon but was repressed for a generation under the Congress of Vienna and Concert of Europe until the Revolutions of 1848.
Cluster ES 1 for EL: Using elements of Discourse:
Write an increasing number of words and simple sentences appropriate for language arts and other content areas.
Students will be able to understand the rise of Napoleon and supreme Nationalism by guided instruction with think-pair-share and video as well as Napoleon’s exile.
8. ASSESSMENT(S) (You only need one
A. Diagnostic/Entry Level
Students are going to have a basic understanding of Napoleon from the reading the night before.
B. Formative-Progress Monitoring
The teacher will assess the students through guided instruction w/ think-pair-share and video
C. Summative
Students will be assessed on their participation of the guided instruction and video.
1.) Content/Based on Readiness, Learning Profile or Interest
Assignment based on ELs' need to learn historical terms and readiness.
2.) Process/Based on Readiness, Learning Profile or Interest
Students will participate in a think-pair-share during the middle of the lecture and at the end actively watch the video on the French Revolution.
3.) Product/Based on Readiness, Learning Profile or
Multiple methods of content interaction based on learning preferences. Students will actively participate in guided practice and think-pair-share along with video.
1.) Content/Based on Readiness, Learning Profile or Interest
Guided instruction is based on student readiness to and the understanding the French Revolution through the turning of the Radical Phase.
2.) Process/Based on Readiness, Learning Profile or Interest
Students will turn to their partner and participate in the think-pair-share during the point in the PowerPoint when it says to do so and participate in the classroom activity.
3.) Product/Based on Readiness, Learning Profile or Interest
Multiple methods of content interaction based on learning preferences. Students will actively participate in guided practice and think-pair-share along with video.
10. INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (Describe what the teacher does. Include differentiation strategies.)
A. Anticipatory Set/Into
1. At the beginning of class I will take role and have the class get their materials out and get ready for class and have a student read the learning objective for the day.
2. I will then review the information on the from the previous class lection by asking questions allowing for students a chance to receive a jolly rancher.
Time allotted 5-8 min
B. Instruction/Through
3. The teacher will use guided instruction of the PowerPoint lesson and have a think-pair-share provided in the middle of the PowerPoint
4. I will ask the students to an open ended question and will ask them to turn to their neighbor and reflect on the questions and then ask the students to share their answers of the think-pair-share out loud.
Time Allotted: 20-25 min
C. Guided Practice/Through
6. The teacher is going to guide the students through a PowerPoint Presentation and ask questions by calling out on students for a chance to receive a jolly rancher if answered correctly.
7. The teacher will then wrap up the section of Napoleon and ask the students if they have any questions prior to watching the video on the French Revolution.
8. The teacher will set up the video by quickly reviewing the notes up to this point and set the ground roles for the film.
9. Teacher will put on the film.
10. The teacher will make sure that the students are watching the film and if the teacher calls the name of the student they will lose points (during the film).
Time Allotted: The remaining of the class period
D. Independent Practice/Through
11. The teacher assigned reading prior to the students entering the class as well as group projects through the section followed with an end of the unit assessment exam.
E. Closure
12. Teacher will find a stopping point and then the film will start off there next time the students come to class.
F. Beyond
13. Encourage students to review their notes to provide full understanding of the material and prepare for the Jeopardy review for next week. (outside of class)
11. STUDENT ACTIVITIES (Describe what the students does. Include differentiation activities.)
A. Anticipatory Set/Into
1. Students will quietly get out their notes and sit in their seat and wait for instruction to begin.
2. Students will participate in answering questions from the review by using their notes.
Time Allotted 5-8 min
B. Instruction/Through
3. The students will actively take notes and follow the lesson by taking notes and participate in the think-pair-share.
4. The students will participate in the think-pair-share with their partner and then after answering the questions out loud as a class.
Time Allotted: 20-25 min
C. Guided Practice/Through
6. The students will take notes on the lecture from the PowerPoint and answer questions when called upon.
7. Students will have the opportunity to ask questions or points of confusion.
8. Students will be paying attention attentively by listening to the quick review and set up of the film.
9. Students will clear everything off of their desk and prepare to watch the video.
10. The students will quietly watch the film.
Time Allotted: The remaining of the class period
D. Independent Practice/Through
11. Students will have participated through in class discussion, group projects and end of the unit assessment exam.
E. Closure
12. Students will pack up their belongings and make sure that the classroom is set back up to normal and then wait for dismissal from the teacher.
F. Beyond
13. Students will review the material from their notes for the Jeopardy review next week. (outside of class)
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